Five Days Praying with the Angels


These devotions are not about praying to the angels, but about praying with them, looking very briefly at five aspects of angels as revealed in the Bible, and seeing how these aspects fit in with our own life as human beings and children of God


In the book of Revelation we read: “As I looked, I heard all around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voices of many people, angels, thousands on thousands, myriads on myriads. They proclaimed with loud voices, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and wealth, wisdom and might, honour and glory and praise.”

The angel voices of heaven itself.


Angels as Heralds of Peace.

Read Luke 2: 8-14

It was peace and joy in their hearts that the angels were bringing to the shepherds. And then the praise and the prayer at the end, “On earth peace to all in whom he delights.” God delights in all of creation and that prayer for peace is for all.


Lord, as I remember the angels’ song of peace, I am very much aware of the great need for peace in our world today. I pray for those who guide and rule our nations, and for all mediators. Open my heart to receive the peace that helps me to be not a peace lover, but a peace maker in my daily life, that our community and our world may become a kinder and a safer place.

In Jesus’ name. AMEN


Angels as Guardians

Read Psalm 91: 9-12.

The devil taunted Jesus with the phrase: “He will give his angels charge over you to guard you wherever you go…” After Jesus had overcome temptation, the devil left him and angels came and ministered to him.

Jesus talked of guardian angels when he spoke about children. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones. I tell you they have their angels in heaven who look continually on the face of my heavenly father."

When we are in situations of fear and anxiety we are not alone. God is not only with us, but is on our side, and around us are angels and archangels and all the company of heaven.

Sometimes we experience a spiritual guardianship, guarding and strengthening against sin. The voice of conscience. And the realisation of consequences.


Lord, as I remember how you have sent your angels to watch over your people, bless all who work for our protection today in the police and public services. I pray for all who travel. I remember those who are tortured and imprisoned. I pray for new Christians whose faith is not yet well developed and is being tested. In times of fear and anxiety, I hold on to your promise that your heavenly hosts are with me.

In Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Angels as Servants, waiting on the Lord.

Read Isaiah 6: 1-9

Whatever state we are in, we are still called to be fellow servants in the way in which God wants us to be.

You may be confronted with a need or a challenge and be tempted to say, “Here am I – send somebody else – I’m not the best person to do this…”

The call of God comes many times, sometimes through other people, sometimes directly and specifically.


Lord, as I reflect on Isaiah’s vision of the angels serving in your presence, his conviction of sin, his receiving of forgiveness, and his commitment to your work, I remember that all work is service of one kind or another. I pray for those involved in the work of healing and caring, in homes and hospitals and hospices, and in the community. I remember those who serve us in the shops and in commerce, and those who work in our environmental services. Help me too to be ready to say, “Send me” when you call me.

In Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Angels as Victors over the Powers of Darkness

Read Revelation 12: 7-12

There is a tradition which says that the Devil, or Satan, is an angel who was ambitious to be even greater than God and who was cast out of heaven, and thus exerted his evil influence in the world. Here we have the picture of war in heaven between the Archangel Michael and all his angels and the Devil.

In the present the evil one continues daily to show his face – and we are called to join in waging war against him. There can be no neutrality in the Christian life. Jesus says, "He that is not for me is against me."

We are called to commit ourselves with the others who have joined Jesus and really to try to stay loyal to him, so that the good things in the world may grow and spread and the bad may be destroyed and prevented.


Lord, there is great darkness in our world, and yet it is your world. To let the Christian light shine takes courage. I thank you and pray for those whose political activity in the past has improved physical standards of living and education. Show me ways in which I can contribute to the dialogue that confirms decent moral standards in our community, and give me the grace to do so.

In Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Angels as Ministers of God’s Will and Word

Read Psalm 103: 19-22. Revelation 14 : 6-7

We too are called to worship God by doing his will. Jesus says that his word must dwell in us. We are to LIVE his word. We don’t know how angels live among angels – but we do know how people live among people.

Jesus’ words are often surprising and not always comfortable: Love your neighbour. Love your enemy. Go the extra mile. Share your possessions. Overcome evil with good. Be the first to forgive. Words which were said 2000 years ago but which are so relevant today.

Jesus tells his followers – and the Jewish religious leaders - that his way is about putting into practice what we learn from the word, from Jesus who is the Word, It is about ministering his word in the world by living it in our ordinary everyday lives.


Lord, as I reflect on your word I pray for all ministers of the gospel, both ordained and lay. I count myself in with them. Help me truly to live and work to your praise and glory.

In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

With angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify thy glorious name: evermore praising thee and saying Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory – glory be to thee, O Lord most high

© Katharine Cheney Reflect 2017